Stallhagen Original | Stallhagen

ABV: 4.5%
IBU: 23
Style: Lager - Pale
Stallhagen Original Untappd Rating: 2.93375 / 6967
Actively Produced
Description: (Formerly known as Stallhagen III) Stallhagen Original is a clear, straw-yellow Nordic lager. A bottom-fermented beer as the Nordic peoples like it. Stallhagen Original is a strong-flavoured, malty, fresh, medium-strength beer. The head is white and lacy. The flavour is dry. The hop bitterness is well-balanced and rounded with a mild fragrance of hops and malt, while it has a clear aroma of grass and flowers. Stallhagen Original is very drinkable and has outstanding freshness. It leaves a pleasant, very short and slightly fruity aftertaste, with hops and fresh white toast at the finish. An excellent thirst-quencher and an all-round beer for serving with most foods, but especially grilled fish and roast chicken.
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